alphaliner by

Alphaliners get access to our suite of powerful token monitors & scanners.

Level 1 (Holding 1 Alphaliner NFT)

  • Smart Money Moves: Detects smart money token buys on Raydium, Orca, and other major Dexes. Ideal for traders looking to bid alongside smart money traders.

  • Smart Money Moves: Detects smart money token buys on Ideal for traders looking to trade high risk, high reward tokens pre bonding.

  • Volume Monitor: Detects immediate volume surges on tokens. Ideal for traders looking to spot high interest, trending tokens on

  • Alpha Callers Hub: A hub where you can receive calls from your favourite “Alpha Callers” all in one place. Performance metrics apply.

Level 2 (Holding 2 Alphaliner NFTs)

  • Smart Money Picks: Signals collective smart money token interest. Ideal for traders searching for consensus tokens during meta frenzies.

  • Insider Monitor: Detects token buys from insider wallets, typically before public endorsement by alpha callers. Ideal for traders looking to catch hyped token launches early.

  • Wallet Finder: The ultimate self-serve tool for finding desirable trading wallets. Ideal for traders curating their own trading strategies.

  • Deployer Monitor: Pings token creations by developer wallets with previous highly successful token launches.

Level 3 (Holding 3 Alphaliner NFTs)

  • KOL Monitor: Livestreams KOL token buys typically before they tweet or endorse tokens publicly. Ideal for traders looking to frontrun KOL calls. Preferably used alongside KOL social channels for maximum insight.

  • Smart Money Momentum: Low Ping Rate Monitor. Detects intense smart money volume surges. Ideal for traders searching for lower risk conviction trades.

  • Top Trader Picks: Low ping rate monitor. Detects token picks by the most notorious top traders.

  • Alpha Monitor: Our proprietary & highly prized monitor. With a maximum of 5-6 pings per day, the alpha monitor fails to disappoint.