Telegram trading bots have become the most convenient avenue for traders, facilitating about 17% of Solana’s total DEX volume per week. However, only a few communities on Solana currently benefit from this liquidity. We aim to change this. Here’s why:

  • Revenue Generation: We want to see communities thriving! With Alphaine, communities can generate additional revenue through trading fees, which can be reinvested into community projects and initiatives, fostering growth and sustainability.

  • Custom Fee Strucutures Communities can create custom fee structures for their bots, enabling them to leverage increased liquidity access to unlock unique use cases, such as delegating a percentage of fees to token/NFT burning, DAO multi-sig wallets, or funding public goods and other initiatives.

  • Financial Inclusivity: Communities can deploy Telegram Trading Bots without the need for extensive capital or knowledge. With Alphaline the only barrier to entry is the strength of your community. Alphaline manages all the backend infrastructure and covers all associated costs ensuring communities can deploy trading bots without incurring any setup or maintenance costs.

  • Enhanced Engagement: Communities can brand their issued bots as they please fostering a sense of ownership and involvement, thus boosting member engagement in collaborative trading activities.

  • Incentive Program & Partner Platform: Traders using any bots on earn 10 alphapoints for every $1 traded. You can view your different bot accounts, stats, and points on